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Raw Material Cost Table

In this tutorial we will learn the Cost Table in the Loop 4 Readymix system.

The Raw Material Cost Table is essential to configure and manage the prices of the company's raw materials. In this organized structure, the raw materials are listed with their corresponding values, facilitating the consultation and updating of prices efficiently.

Add a Cost Table

Open the menu on the left side of the screen and select "Administration" - "Raw Material Cost Table."

First, click on "Add Raw Material Cost Table" complete the required fields, add raw materials, and set the cost for each of them.

Remove or Add Raw Materials

To remove raw materials, simply click on the trash can icon. If you wish to add more raw materials, use the plus icon.

Download Model Table

In the "Example Table" option, you will find two choices: a blank table and another one that contains all the registered raw materials in the system.

You can download a blank spreadsheet in which you can input the costs of raw materials. Later, this spreadsheet can be used to automatically calculate the product price based on the costs of the raw materials you entered.

Import Cost Table

You can import data directly from an Excel spreadsheet into the cost table of the system, streamlining the update of prices and product details, ensuring that the information is always up to date and in sync with reality. To do this, simply go to the "Import Cost Table" option and select your spreadsheet.

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