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Time on Job by Customer

In this tutorial, we will learn how to generate the Time on Job by Customer Report in the Loop 4 Readymix system.

The Time on Job by Customer shows how long a vehicle remained in a customer's work in the selected period. It helps to monitor the efficiency of the vehicle's permanence in the work and allows you to define a minimum time on site to filter the results presented.

Generating the Report

Open the menu on the left side of the screen and select "Reports" - "Other Reports" - "Time on Job by Customer".

Now simply select the plants, periods, and if you wish to set a minimum time on site, define it in the Minimum Time field (in minutes). Finally, click on "PDF or Excel" to generate your report.

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If you do not define a time in the Minimum Time field, all works per customer will be shown in the selected period.
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